Do! October 4th 2018 at Ballhausplatz

 In Blog, Events

Ab 4. Oktober ist wieder Donnerstag!

In the last couple of months, we have watched the right wing politics in Austria, Schwarz/Blau grow from strength to strength. Today it’s publicly ok to be racist, islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, amogst other things. We are living in the times when freedom of speech means freedom of hate speech.

FPÖ is using the left wing arguments against the left wing politics. For example using homophobia as an argument against migration. Schwarz/Blau is shutting down the social system, closing down the women’s shelters and projects, lying to us about migration, mistaken human beings who flee prosecution, torture, poverty and death for illegal migrants and in lower Austria, taking away the freedom of movement of asylum seekers. The sad part is that people believe all their bullshit.

So my question is, how did we let things get this bad? What are we doing wrong?

Is it the dislike, the distrust, the double standard and the hypocrisy that is happening in the left that is dragging us backwards. The truth is now more than ever, we have to put all our differences behind us and concentrate on fighting our common enemy. Think about it, the minister for internal affairs Herbert Kickl is apparently dreaming of literally dictating what the media should write about him and his department and wants to limit access to information for critical journalists. Speaking of criticism: By threatening Florian Klenk, Kickl is also sending an unmistakable signal to all critical voices. It goes like this: If you have not been silent in the first place, I will shut you up.

The truth is if we talk, we are fucked and if we don’t talk, we are still fucked. So I have chosen to get fucked with dignity.

The Schwarz/Blau and all its allies cannot stand people like me; Black, African, woman, lesbian, migrant and therefore try to do everything to get rid of us but guess what? The feeling is mutual because people like me cannot stand your politics and we would use all the platform we get to tell you how much you suck. And therefore we will support and use every goddamn Thursday from this day on. To fight for decency, equity, solidarity, friendship and love.





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  • Habimana patrick

    Then I realy want someone who can be ready to communicate with me plz easly on watsapp number+254746694023.but where we stay nearest Somalia we don’t have peace and freedom.we are 14persons.girls and boys (lesbians)

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